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Another look back at C

I just worked on C code again for the first time in a long while. I’ve worked almost exclusively in some kind of managed runtime environment – Java, C#, Python, or Javascript in a browser. So working on C again was like going through a bit of a time warp. I spent a while trying to figure out how to connect the old stuff I used to know with the new. Like, are gcc, gdb etc. all still there? And how do I get them to work with VS.Code, and on MacOS?

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SQL Server tempdb on EC2 instance storage, on Linux

Normally I’m a big fan of using managed AWS services like RDS, Redshift and Aurora, so you don’t have to be in the business of managing your own database. Still, there are some some edge cases where you need finer-grained control over storage, and running a DB like SQL Server on EC2 makes sense. AWS makes a SQL Server AMI for Linux available on the marketplace.

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See Redshift queries behind cursor fetch

By default, the Redshift ODBC/JDBC drivers will fetch all result rows from a query. If your result sets are large, you may have ended up using the UseDeclareFetch and Fetch parameters. But if you do this, you won’t see your actual queries in the STL_QUERY table or Redshift console. Instead you will see that the actual long-running query looks like

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MSTR Web development over SOCKS proxy and AWS SSM

The problem: You want to work on MicroStrategy (MSTR) Web customizations in your local Eclipse/Tomcat environment, but you don’t have connectivity to your I-server. Your I-server lives in AWS, your corporate network blocks outbound port 22 access, and you don’t have a VPN or direct connect.

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New AWS SSM feature to tunnel SSH with port forwarding support

AWS SSM already had a “session manager” feature that allowed users to get command prompts through a web browser. The big advantage this had over providing an SSH bastion host is that SSM is covered by the same governance context as other AWS services: authentication and authorization via IAM, with audit via CloudTrail.

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