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Spark UDFs are good except when they're not

I am a fan of using Spark UDFs and/or map functions for complex business logic where using the full power of Scala or Java gives better readability or performance than relying on SQL set operations alone.

That said, I have run into two challenges with Spark UDFs:

Extra work to handle nulls

Many SQL operations will deal with null or missing values gracefully, for example

case when x > y then 1 else 0 end as x_bigger_flag

will give 0 if either input is null.

On the other hand, if you write similar code in Scala:

val xIsBiggerFlag = if (x > y) 1 else 0

you will get a null pointer exception if either input is null, and have to check for null explicitly:

val xIsBiggerFlag = if (x != null && y != null && x > y) 1 else 0

Even if you use Option types indiomatically, you still have to do extra work to replicate what SQL would have done for free:

(xOpt, yOpt) match {
   case (Some(x), Some(y)) => if (x > y) else 0
   case _ => 0

So for simple operations, UDFs are less maintainable than their SQL counterparts. For this reason alone, UDFs should only be used for sufficiently complex logic where the overhead of null handling is insignificant relative to the overall improvement in simplicity and readability.

Performance with reading wide tables

It is well understood that Python UDFs are a performance problem, but even with Scala UDFs you lose some ability for Spark to optimize.

There are several articles that mention how Spark UDFs are a black box for optimization, mostly focused on the loss of predicate pushdown to Parquet (example) for filtering operations.

There is another important issue beyond filters: what columns are read from Parquet in the first place. When you do something like"condition").select("foo")

Spark only needs to read the column for foo from disk.

But when you replace this with

case class MyTable(
    foo: String,
    bar: String,
    baz: String,

Spark loses the ability to determine that you are only consuming one column from your dataset, and will not be able to do any optimization when reading Parquet. Even if it can do predicate pushdown with the filter, the object deserialization from Parquet to Scala will use

If your table is wide and has many fields, the difference could become significant.

One workaround is to define case classes specific to your UDF inputs and outputs, rather than to the full underlying table. For example

case class FooOnly(foo: String)
Written on May 23, 2023