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Multiple teams, one codebase

When multiple (small, agile) teams are working on the same codebase, it can be tempting to create a branch for each team so they can work in isolation without impacting each other. Don’t do it. Teams working in isolated branches may appear to make faster progress, but it is an illusion–in reality, work in an isolated branch can’t be delivered without getting through some big scary merge in the future. The hard work of integration is just being kicked down the road and gets harder the longer it waits. There is no substitute for coordination and communication.

The whole point of continuous integration is the recognition is that you can’t call your stuff done until it works with everyone else’s stuff. That’s why feature branches should be short-lived, with frequent merges into the main development trunk. If your work breaks something else, you want to know about it and correct it as soon as possible. That gives you more flexibility about when you can release, because you will always have your main trunk in a working state. These principles are no different whether feature branches are created by people on the same team or on different teams.

Of course it’s better if a large project can be subdivided into modules with separate builds/repos, but this does not always make sense. This only works if you can divide your repo along clear domain boundaries, which assumes you know your domain well enough to get those boundaries right (which is the problem with doing microservices too eagerly); and your teams are aligned with those module boundaries. In many cases, teams and their backlogs are fluid such that there is no clear mapping between teams and repos.

Modularity within a repo is a good thing, and is easier to refactor as understanding of the domain evolves. That kind of modularity, along with SOLID principles like open-closed, make conflicts less likely because developers working on different stories should generally be touching different files even if they’re in the same repo.

Written on December 30, 2016